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Lingua inglese - Savigliano


Anno accademico 2021/2022

Codice dell'attività didattica
Julie Deborah Bradshaw (Titolare del corso)
Corso di studi
Laurea I° livello in Educazione Professionale - Savigliano (f070723)
1° anno
Periodo didattico
Primo semestre
Di base - I anno - propedeutico di carattere generale
SSD dell'attività didattica
L-LIN/12 - lingua e traduzione - lingua inglese
Modalità di erogazione
Lingua di insegnamento
Modalità di frequenza

Sommario insegnamento


Obiettivi formativi

The course in English for the Social Services is divided into the following modules:

  • Introduction to Social Work
    • The History of Social Work in Great Britain
    • Different Fields of Social Work
    • Burnout, Compassion Fatigue and the Importance of Self-Care
  • Child and Family Support
    • Divorce and child custody
    • Teenage pregnancy
    • “Looked after” and “at risk” children
    • Domestic violence
  • Old Age
    • Formal and informal care
    • Problems faced by older adults
      • Ageism and elder abuse
      • Reduced autonomy
      • Bereavement
      • Dementia
    • The ageing population phenomenon
  • Mental Illness
    • Overview of common mental illnesses
    • The multidisciplinary team
    • Eating disorders
    • Focus: mental illness and the internet
  • Addiction and Substance Abuse
    • Experimental use, recreational use, dependency
    • Approaches to treating addiction
    • The debate on legalisation
  • Poverty and Social Exclusion
    • Immigration and racism
    • Austerity and its repercussions
    • Social housing
    • Gang culture

During the course, students will need to prepare at least two of the following pieces of coursework in groups

  • A brief research presentation on one of the following topics:
    • The “Baby P Effect on Child and Family Social Work”
    • The Grenfell Tower Disaster and Social Housing
  • A brief role-play of the kind that might be used in a peer-education context
  • A consideration of how online resources can be deployed in social care

Students will only be admitted to the final exam if they have fulfilled the attendance and coursework requirements. The final exam will consist in:

  • A computer-based written test including multiple choice reading and listening exercises, designed to test the student’s knowledge and understanding of the grammatical and lexical content of the course
  • An oral presentation, using Powerpoint or similar, on a topic of the candidate’s choice pertinent to their field of study. The assessment will take into account:
    • Language accuracy and pronunciation
    • Content
    • Structure
    • Presentation skills
    • Ability to respond to questions

Overall, the course aims to familiarize students with the core terms and concepts of their field of study in the English language, to invite them to reflect on the contrasts between the social services in Italy and the UK and to acquire the linguistic skills and intercultural awareness that might help them to practise social work overseas or in an international context.


Risultati dell'apprendimento attesi

By the end of the course students should be able to understand and discuss field-specific texts in English at at least a B1 level. In addition to the three university credits (CFU) awarded at the end of the course, students will also be eligible for an Open Badge Certificate of competence in English for the Social Services at B1, B2 or C1 Level (  


Modalità di insegnamento

Lessons are classroom-based, taking place in LL2 at the CLE and in the computer rooms of the CLA (Palazzo Nuovo piano semi-interrato).


Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento

The exam is in two parts: a computer-based test and an oral presentation.  Only students who pass the computer-based test will be admitted to the oral exam.  Course attendance is obligatory.  Non-attenders may not take the exam.



Textbook: English for the Social Services by Alice Spencer (2022 edition only).  Available here ( and here (

Course Moodle Page:

Login Key: EduProfTorino2022

Topics Covered:

  1. An Introduction to Social Work
  2. Child and Family Support
  3. Old Age
  4. Mental Illness
  5. Addiction and Substance Abuse
  6. Poverty and Social Exclusion

Testi consigliati e bibliografia


Dispensa del corso  che potete trovare sulla piattaforma Moodle al seguente link diretto: 

La chiave di iscrizione vi sarà inviata via mail. 

Qui di seguito il percorso completo per l'ACCESSO ALLA PIATTAFORMA
1) fate Login dal sito di unito con le credenziali SCU di Ateneo 
2) nella Home page di myUnito, sulla sinistra, sotto la voce E-Learning selezionate Strutture Universitarie 
3) procedete selezionando: 
4) ACCEDI a CLA - CENTRO LINGUISTICO DI ATENEO Offerta Formativa 2018-2019 
5) Educazione Professionale 
6) Corso di Inglese 
7) Cliccate su Iscrivimi in questo corso 

English text being updated


Orario lezioni

Lunedì10:00 - 13:00
Lunedì14:00 - 17:00

Lezioni: dal 21/02/2022 al 06/06/2022

Nota: Il gruppo Livello Base svolgerà lezione il lunedì dalle ore 10.00 alle 13.00 mentre il gruppo Livello Avanzato avrà lezione il lunedì dalle ore 14.00 alle 17.00.



Stanza webex della docente:

Ultimo aggiornamento: 06/05/2022 13:22
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